Wasiq Wiqar
This is where I rant 👀

end of the world website & youtube channel

by | Feb 21, 2022 | ideas | 0 comments

dumping ideas into the void is my hobby.

Set up a well designed website where I go through the various scenarios that the world, or well humanity, can end. There are other websites and plenty of YouTube channels that delve into this niche but I’m thinking about something that exclusively deals in world-ending scnearios.

Found out through the latest video by Muta on SomeOrdinaryGamers that there already is a website called exit mundi that covers this stuff. Now I don’t want to rip off someone else’s idea unless I can do it better. This is the sort of content that needs extensive research. What about the YouTube channel? What sort of footage would that need?

If it’s a voice-over then we need some exploding stars and what not. Why are all of my project ideas so damn expensive?

Can I do it better that exit mundi? Hell yes. Will I? Probably not.